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This is the did you know page where I will be telling you facts about rubbish that you probly didn't know because I'm batman


Anyway these are fact like how many seabirds die every year from your rubbish so here  is...


1. Did you know that 1 million (1.000.000) seabirds die every year due to rubbish?


2. Did you know that 1 trillion ( microplastics are present in the worlds  oceans?


3. Did you know that More Than 100 Tons of Waste for Every American is thrown away each year...


4.Bottled Water Is the "Grandfather of Wasteful Industries."

Americans toss 60 million water bottles daily, which is nearly 700 each minute.


5.Food Waste Is a Problem Too: Americans throw away 28 billion pounds of food a year, which is about 25 percent of the US food supply.


6.Disposables Are a Drain: Ten percent of the world's oil supply is used to make and ship disposable plastics​

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